Your Door to the next opportunity

My Coaching Strategy

Its was sometime in May’21 when I received a call. It was a young chap who had just completed his master’s in data analytics in 2020 was since then he was repeatedly getting rejections in both at the application stage and even got rejected in 3 interviews.
He was facing the same problem that most of the job seekers face: the problem of not understanding where the problem is. What is bottleneck that is driving the employer’s attention.

I am now going to share my coaching strategy on such cases. Its applicable to both your CV and interview –

1. Employers focus on your contributions that you could make to their organization so in your CV / interviews show your past achievements and quantify it on a realistic basis.
2. People always want to see person in Action – So always mention your responsibilities using action verb and active voice. So instead of using words like Involved, participated used words that show your actions. You may use words like developed, established, created etc.
3. Always provide some examples of task / work where you have solved some business problem. Employers usually like to see your problem-solving abilities and want to see how you deal with uncertainties.
4. Always show in your CV /interviews that how did you go beyond your regular job. You may show it by mentioning any of your new initiative or working on an idea for brining process improvement or code quality enhancement or customer delight.
5. If you’re applying for any Business Analyst, Sales, marketing or similar role then it is absolutely essential to show your customer centricity. Employers usually focus on employee’s customer management skills while deciding on their candidature.

I and CareerIreland team applied all the above strategies to that mentee and now it brings me absolute delight that he then got 7 interviews and finally received offers from EY , Deloitte and Accenture.  I would always suggest to my mentees. Problem is never a problem , finding the solutions of your problem is a problem and solution is always there !!

Raghav Dixit
Career Coach
#jobseekers #coaching #dataanalytics #career #interviewcoaching #careeradvancement #cvwriting #careercoaching

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